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"GNOME Foundation урезает расходы из-за финансовых проблем"
Отправлено rob pike, 14-Апр-14 11:32 
Why are there so few women in information technology? Assessing the role of personality in career choices
Joshua L. Rosenbloom (), Ronald A. Ash, Brandon Dupont () and LeAnne Coder
Journal of Economic Psychology, 2008, vol. 29, issue 4, pages 543-554

Abstract: Despite increases in female labor force participation, women remain substantially under represented in most scientific and technical fields. The small number of women in engineering, physics, chemistry, computer science and other similar fields has variously been attributed to discrimination, differences in ability or choice. This paper uses a unique data set containing information on vocational interests to examine the determinants of entry in to Information Technology occupations. We show that men and women differ systematically in their interests, and that these differences can account for an economically and statistically large fraction of the occupational gender gap.


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